Product Category

>> Signal Conditioning / Isolation  
>> Isolating Converters   [1]

● Safe galvanic isolation between input / output / auxiliary voltage with reinforced isolation in accordance with DIN EN 61010-1
● Step response T90 40ms
● Output deviation < 0.2% of the limit value
● Overload protection of the current input with automaticallyresetting fuse
● Operating display and status messages via two-colour LED
● Configuration via front DIP switches
● Plug-in terminal strips
● Narrow installation width of 12.5 mm for carrier rail mounting TS 35

TV500 isolating signal converter can be used to isolate and convert field signals 0/4..20 mA or 0/2..10 V DC into industry standard signals for process control systems. The ST500 provides a fully floating isolated transmitter supply.

TV500 isolating signal converter can be used to isolate and convert field signals 0/4..20 mA or 0/2..10 V DC out of the intrinsically area. The ST500 provides a fully floating isolated transmitter supply.

The TV500H brings the function of an isolating signal converter together with a set point adjuster and offers comparator and hold function. This combination offers therefore the possibility, to simulate a measuring value and the easy way to change the sensor without process interruption.

Isolating signal converter TV500L can be used to isolate and convert unipolar or bipolar field signals into industry standard unipolar 0/4..20 mA and 0/2..10 V DC or bipolar signals for process control systems. The output characteristic curve is programmable for increasing or decreasing performance.

Loop powered signal converter series TV500P are highly compact devices to isolate and adapt standard signals to active inputs of SPC- and DC-systems. The device is loop powered via the 4-20 mA output

Loop powered signal isolator TW 500 are highly compact devices to isolate DC-current signals 0(4)..20 mA without power supply. Up to 3 channels are deliverable in one 22.5 mm DIN rail housing.

Isolating signal converter TV501 can be used to isolate and convert 0/4..20 mA and 0/2..10 V signals to the hazardous area. The universal design of the in- and outputs and the wide range of supply voltage limits the devices into 2 models.

● 1- oder 2-kanalige Ausführung
● Sichere galvanische Trennung zwischen Eingang / Ausgang / Hilfsspannung
● Funktionale Sicherheit bis SIL2 EN61508
● Eingänge für Schaltkontakte, Namur-Initiatoren oder Optokoppler
● Eingänge eigensicher zum Anschluss von Sensoren in den Ex-Zonen 0 und 20
● Gerätemontage in Ex-Zone 2 möglich
● Galvanische Trennung gemäß den Anforderungen für verstärkte Isolierung (EN60664)
● Zuschaltbare Überwachung des Eingangskreises auf Drahtbruch und Kurzschluss
● Relaisausgänge als Schließer oder Wechsler (Wirkung invertierbar)
● Weitbereichsnetzteil oder 24 V DC
● Konfiguration über frontseitige DIP-Schalter
● Steckbare kodierte Klemmleisten
● Gehäusebreite 12,5 oder 22,5mm
● Tragschienenmontage TS35 EN60715
● Betriebsanzeige, Schaltzustands- und Fehleranzeige durch LEDs

Isolating switching repeater TS500 can be used for monitoring and controlling digital signals. The input is suitable for switching contact, proximity switch acc. Namur DIN EN 60947-5-6, or passive electronic outputs of other devices. The output can be delivered as relay SPDT or transistor (voltage free).

Isolating switching repeater TS500-Ex can be used for monitoring and controlling digital signals out of the hazardous area. The intrinsically safe input is suitable for switching contact, proximity switch according to Namur DIN EN 60947-5-6, or passive electronic outputs of other devices. The devices must be installed out of the Ex-area because only the input is intrinsically safe.

Safety barriers of the series 9001 can be used for varied applications in the area of the automation. They allow the intrinsically safe mode of a HART transmitter, actuator, voltage free contact, temperature sensor, DMS, magnet valves, Display... The compact size makes an easy and space saving mounting possible.