Product Category

>> เซ็นเซอร์วัดระยะ  
>> แว่นตาเลเซอร์ / UV / IR   [6]
Laser Eyewear Filter T1Q01 Laser Vison T1Q01

The laser safety filter Type T1Q01 is a green absorbing mineral glass filter without additional coating. The protection is based on absorption of the laser light within the bulk material. The LASERVISION filter Type T1Q01 has daylight transmission of approx. 35% but still a good colour recognition. The laser protection filter T1Q01 is available in four different frame styles and especially suitable for laser protection in the range between 690nm up to 1320nm and alignment protection at 633nm. Additionally the filter is certified with M-protection levels for ultra short pulse lasers at 720-1200nm. Please calculate required protection levels before using laser safety filters and compare with the filter provided.